1. /* Simple Basic Program */
2. #include<stdio.h>
3. #include<conio.h>
4. main()
5. {
6. printf("Hello Sansar!");
7. getch();
8. }The first line is a comment you can write whatever you want inside /* and */ it wont affect in program.
The Second 2 lines are header files they call library functions to work in the program. stdio.h is For Standard Input/Output library. You must have that header to use printf() function.
conio.h is called to use getch() function in program.
Line no 4 define main function. The function main will be called first when program starts. all the commands on main function are covered inside { and } braces.
line no 6 printf("Hello Sansar!"); will print in the screen. printf is a library function to print out. every statement on c program should ends with ;.
getch() function hold the screen till some character are inserted from keyboard. however modern compiler did not need this while programming.
How a program should be written?
- Program should be in same order that programmer want it to be executed.
- tabs and spaces can be added as needed for better looks and easy for debugging.
- Remember all statements are in small case letter. C is case sensitive.
- C is called free-form language. as there is no any rule for position where statement should be written.
- Every C statement must end with ;. ; is a terminator for all statement.
This is basic of all so next we will go to if else else if condition. Comment if need any helps out there.
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